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Services at Dr. Mohan's

Obesity is the most frequently encountered metabolic disorder. Its incidence and prevalence are extremely high. Obesity is an important risk factor not only for diabetes but also for hypertension, coronary heart disease, dyslipidemia and other serious health complications. In India approximately 139 million people are obese. Obesity impairs quality of life and reduces life expectancy. Weight loss is extremely important to improve sugar control and to decrease other risk associations.


Persons without diabetes Persons with diabetes
50% risk reduction for developing new onset of diabetes Reduction of the blood sugars by 30 to 50%
25% risk reduction in all causes of death
10% reduction in total cholesterol
30% reduction in triglycerides Reduction of the need of oral diabetic drugs and insulin
40% reduction of risk of obesity-related cancers

Obesity is a chronic disorder with multiple serious health complications. Previously it used to be a concern only for developed countries but now it is becoming a problem for developing countries as well. There is a global epidemic of obesity with prevalence as high as 30 to 40% in some regions. In India approximately 139 million people are obese.
Obesity impairs quality of life and reduces life expectancy. All the effects and complications of obesity appear at lower body weight and at a younger age in Indians as compared to the West.



Patients are expected to comply with the weight management program as per the given plan. The nutritionist assesses the eating habits and gives individualized meal plan and specialist diets. The fitness instructor assesses the levels of fitness and gives the individualized exercise plan. Based on the medical assessments involving investigations and questionnaires, the physician determines the causes of obesity, identifies co-morbidities and complications of obesity and formulates a treatment plan.
The team discusses the management plan with the patient and sets realistic goals, making the patient understand the benefits of weight loss. The ultimate aim is to support the patient through the whole journey of weight loss.

The team at Dr Mohan’s has the full surgical expertise to handle different types of surgical interventions such as Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass, Sleeve Gastrectomy and several others. In case the necessity of bariatric surgery is determined, the team assesses fitness for surgery and ensures that the entire support mechanism involving managing the diet plan for surgery, pre and post operative support and handling psychological issues is present to assist the patient. The patient can opt to take up the surgery after understanding the risks and benefits.



  • Medical assessments for causes of obesity
  • Identifying comorbidities, complications of obesity
  • Formulating a treatment plan
  • Assessing suitability for bariatric surgery

  • Diagnosing and managing sleep apnea
  • Accessing fitness for surgery
  • Immediate post-operative care

  • Individualized meal plan
  • Specialist diets
  • Diet plan for surgery
  • Assessing eating habits
  • Pre and post-operative support

  • Motivation assessment
  • Motivational technique
  • Screening for psychological issues

  • Assessing levels of fitness
  • Individualized exercise plan

  • Full surgical assessment
  • Explaining types of surgical operations
  • Explaining the risks and benefits
  • Expertise in all surgical operations

Weight gain is caused by an imbalance between energy intake [from your diet] and energy expenditure [through activities of daily living and exercise]. Therefore, you can lose weight by cutting down on your energy intake or increasing your energy expenditure, or better still a combination of the two.

For effective weight loss, you need to cut down your intake of energy [calories] one way or the other. Try reducing your intake by 200 to 300 calories per day. Just by eliminating a banana from your diet, you can reduce your daily intake by 100 calories. Similarly, eating half a serving of fried snacks rather than the full serving would help you cut another 100 calories. You only need to make small sustainable changes to your diet, making sure you get all the essential nutrients in the right proportions.

Fat is the most concentrated source of calories. By restricting fat in the diet, you can reduce the total calorie intake most effectively.

Protein promotes a sense of fullness and does not, by itself, cause weight gain; however, many foods rich in protein are also rich in fat, limiting their usefulness if you want to lose weight. Overcome this by choosing lean meat and skimmed milk over red meat and whole milk.

Try not to skip meals, particularly breakfast. When hunger strikes in between meals, munch on healthy fillers like grams and vegetable salad. Start your meal with low-calorie foods such as green salads and clear soups.

Fill ¾ of your plate with vegetables, greens and whole grams and the remaining ¼ with whole grains. Have an eye on the portion sizes.

Seek help from family, friends and support groups so that you can get the encouragement you need. When frustration strikes- as it invariably will at certain times-remind yourself of your long-term goals and the benefits you stand to reap by losing weight.

Follow the commandments to rein in cravings. Be strict with three keys—Right Attitude, Planning and Determination which will help you sail through any occasion or party without gaining unwanted weight.

Eat something substantial (fibre rich food like oat meal, grams, bran cereal) an hour before you go to the party. This will fill you up and when you arrive, you can eat light.
Do not fast all day and then binge at the party. Eat your regular meals so that you don’t overindulge.

Eat small meals. Your body needs only a few calories for energy and metabolism. If you eat at regular intervals you are less likely to overeat at night. While partying, offer to bring a healthy, diet-friendly dish to the party. Your host or hostess will appreciate your contribution and you can enjoy the food. Enjoy a big, healthy salad before the meal.

Drink lots of water (at least eight to ten glasses a day) instead of sodas or mixed drinks as this will help you feel less hungry and thirsty. Eat food with a high water content that will fill you up and help you lose weight. (Examples –tomatoes, cucumber). Avoid standing near refreshments because it is too easy to indulge a few times without considering the fat and calories.

Control your portions. Small plates are a big help with portion control. If salad plates are available, make them your choice instead of a dinner sized plate. Look at the available choices, hold the plate for a long time and nibble a few edible choices like vegetables, fruits.

It is not always what you eat, but how you eat. Pleasure is best when shared. This way your taste buds are satisfied, portion size decreased and calorie intake reduced. Eat so that you enjoy each bite.

While partying, focus on friendship and socialising rather than food. Fill the evening with conversation and meaningful interactions. Walking around and visiting with other guests is a benefit for dieters. If friends are pressurising you to indulge, the best way to respond is to be firm and positive. Rather than saying you can’t or shouldn’t have, say you aren’t hungry and it’s not your favourite. They can’t argue with that.

Make exercise an important part of your daily life. Plan your workout in your daily planner and write it down so that you are more likely to maintain the schedule. Find an exercise trainer or a workout partner to help you stay committed.

Eating, napping, channel surfing-if these consume most of your leisure hours, you will end up gaining weight. Make healthy and light food choices to manage weight. Examples – choose egg white instead of the whole egg, whole-grain instead of refined products, skim milk instead of whole milk etc.

Do you binge eat when you are bored, angry or tense? Decide to do something else to take your mind off food. Relax and take several deep breaths. This will help you distinguish between actual hunger and eating due to emotional responses.

Book yourself a relaxing body/foot massage you enjoy or buy yourself an outfit that looks good on you. The key to staying happy after all that planning and putting together the time and effort to maintain weight is to reward all your efforts. This will help you stick to your fitness regimen and will help you when you go off-track.

If you have a Body Mass Index [BMI] of 25 or more, then you are obese. Obesity is caused by a number of factors including a sedentary lifestyle, a high-calorie diet with an excess of fatty foods and various other psychosocial factors. It slowly but steadily takes over your body, slows down your lifestyle and increases your risk of contracting life-threatening diseases like diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and some types of cancer.

With an alarming rise in the number of people with obesity and diabetes across the world, there has been a welcome increase in research to help cure this disease. Besides diet, exercise and an active lifestyle, bariatric surgery has emerged as a successful way to treat obesity and diabetes.

Bariatric surgery is a procedure that induces weight loss by altering the anatomy of the stomach and intestines. Two commonly performed bariatric surgical procedures are:

  • Sleeve Gastrectomy reduces the size of the stomach by surgical removal of a large portion of the stomach.
  • Gastric Bypass creates a new small stomach pouch and reroutes the small intestines to the new stomach pouch.
  • Sleeve Gastrectomy Roux-en-y Gastric Bypass.

  • Significant long-term loss of weight
  • Complete or partial remission of diabetes even in severe cases
  • Improvement in blood pressure and lipid profile
  • Reduction in mortality
  • Single keyhole incision with negligible scar
  • Short hospital stay

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