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Understanding Diabetes Stress Management

The Department of Stress Management has been instituted to investigate the psychosocial aspects of diabetes, which may influence the prescribed regimen of self-care, and to conduct interventions for better self-management of diabetes, its complications and related disorders.

The three most important problems for patients with diabetes are stress, anxiety and depression. Generally, we undertake a psychological evaluation of the above-mentioned problems, for appropriate interventions. Remedial measures for behavioural change include patient-education, skills-development and motivation through counselling, as well as, relaxation techniques, viz., deep-breathing, progressive muscle relaxation and biofeedback. If not managed properly, stress could adversely affect health outcomes and lead to poor quality of life.

In short, the Department of Stress Management and Counseling seeks to achieve their goals through a combination of behaviour therapy and stress management strategies; their main aims include:

  • Enhancing self-esteem and self-sufficiency
  • Improving coping skills
  • Promoting a structured lifestyle, and
  • Identifying diabetes-related issues and their management.

  • Newly detected
  • Patients with recurrent high/low sugars
  • Type-1 diabetes patients
  • Stressed out-patients
  • Patients with complications.

  • Due to its chronic nature
  • Demands and challenges of managing diabetes on a daily basis
  • Compliance with the treatment regimen, apart from managing daily hassles.
  • Necessary lifestyle changes that have to be made

Yes, since stress hormones elevate blood sugars and antagonize the action of insulin. Stress also leads to poor compliance with the regimen and harmful health behaviours such as stress-eating, smoking and alcohol all of which have a harmful impact on blood sugar. If not managed properly, stress could adversely affect health outcomes and lead to poor quality of life.

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Blood pressure is determined both by the amount of blood your heart pumps and the amount of resistance to blood flow in your arteries. The more blood your heart pumps and the narrower your arteries, the higher your blood pressure. Hypertension can be asymptomatic. Even without symptoms, damage to blood vessels and heart continues and …

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Stress and Non – Compliance : The Double – Edged Sword of Diabetes

Sometimes, fighting with diabetes can be a losing battle, both to the individual and the medical team.

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Is Stress the Cause of Your Diabetes?

Several diseases can be caused or worsened by stress and diabetes is also one of the important ones.

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