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Type 1 Diabetes

You can do anything if you have the appropriate tools and assistance. Whether you’ve recently been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, are caring for a loved one, or have been managing your disease for some time, support is available.





Gopalapuram, Chennai


6am – 6pm

Know about Type 1 Diabetes

What is Type 1 Diabetes?

Type 1 diabetes occurs when your immune system eliminates insulin-producing cells in your pancreas. These are known as beta cells. Because the illness is typically diagnosed in children and adolescents, it was previously known as juvenile diabetes.

Secondary diabetes is similar to type 1, except that your beta cells are destroyed by something other than your immune system, such as a disease or an injury to your pancreas.

Both of these are distinct from type 2 diabetes, which occurs when your body does not respond to insulin as it should.

Symptoms of type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes symptoms include the following:

  • Excessive hunger
  • Excessive thirst
  • Vision hazard
  • Fatigue
  • Urinating frequently
  • Weight loss that is dramatic in a short amount of time

A person may also develop ketoacidosis, a diabetes complication. Among the symptoms of this illness are:

  • Fast respiration
  • Skin and mouth dryness
  • Face flushed
  • Stench of fruity breath
  • Nausea
  • Nausea or stomach pain

If you have one or more of the symptoms of type 1 diabetes, you should see your doctor. However, if you have ketoacidosis symptoms, you should seek medical attention immediately. Ketoacidosis is a life-threatening condition.

Causes of type 1 diabetes

It is uncertain what causes type 1 diabetes. It is, however, regarded to be an autoimmune condition. The body’s immune system destroys beta cells in the pancreas by mistake. These are the cells responsible for the production of insulin. Scientists do not fully comprehend why this occurs.

Viruses and other genetic and environmental factors may play a role.

Type 1 diabetes diagnosis

A series of tests is commonly used to identify type 1 diabetes. Some can be completed quickly, while others need hours of planning or monitoring.

Type 1 diabetes frequently manifests itself rapidly. If a person meets one of the following criteria, they are diagnosed:

fasting blood sugar > 126 mg/dL on two separate tests
random blood sugar > 200 mg/dL, along with symptoms of diabetes
hemoglobin A1c > 6.5 on two separate tests

These criteria are also used to determine the presence of type 2 diabetes. People with type 1 diabetes are sometimes mistaken as having type 2.

A doctor may not recognise you’ve been misdiagnosed until you start having issues or your symptoms worsen despite treatment.

When your blood sugar levels rise to the point where diabetic ketoacidosis develops, you get very unwell. This is frequently the reason why people wind up in the hospital or at their doctor’s office, when type 1 diabetes is diagnosed.

Insulin Management

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas, which is positioned beneath the stomach. It enables your body to utilise glucose as an energy source.

Diabetes Diet

The 3 D’s of the nutrition department -Dietary service, Diet counselling and Diet analysis- contribute significantly to the control of diabetes 

Diabetes Diet

Information booklet is a guide to children with Type 1 Diabetes and their parent/caregivers.. 

Type 1 Success Stories

Those of us at Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Center are thrilled to be able to share blogs about persons who have overcome type 1 diabetes 


Hypoglycemia is a clinical state with low glucose concentration in the blood, usually associated with giddiness, weakness, anxiety, irritability, hunger…

HbA1c Testing & Levels

Glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) testing is a measure of diabetes control in the two to three months before the test. It is a simple and efficient diabetes monitoring tool. The higher the HbA1c level, the worse the control during the previous 2 to 3 months, and the greater the risk of heart, kidney, nerve, and eye damage.




Know About


A continuous glucose monitoring system, or CGM, is a small medical device that constantly checks your glucose levels in real time (usually with a five-minute interval between readings).

Booklet for Children with Type 1 Diabetes

Booklet for Children

Information booklet is a guide to children with Type 1 Diabetes and their parent/caregivers..


Neonatal Diabetes

Children with type 1 diabetes have an acute onset of the condition and rapidly..


Friends Forever

a social support group for children with T1DM and their family members.


Diabetes Cardiac Conditions

A diabetic patient is four times more likely to have a cardiac issue than someone of the same age and gender who does not have diabetes. A specialised section has been established at Dr. Mohan’s DSC to treat diabetes-related cardiac problems. This facility offers computerised ECG, echocardiography, and cardiac stress testing using a computerised treadmill to help detect diseases including coronary artery disease and diabetic cardiomyopathy.

Diabetes and Heart Disease

Diabetes is a health condition that goes hand in hand with various high-risk diseases, the predominant of which is heart disease. Heart disease is very prevalent in our population and is a serious condition—it is considered the leading cause of death in both male and...

Diabetes and Hypertension

Hypertension is an extremely common co-morbid condition in diabetes...

Mortality and Diabetes Care

Translating Research To Policy: How Heart Problems Are Killing Poorer Indians And What To Do About It  Yes, we all know that heart disease is the leading cause of death globally, and in India, for both men and women. But did you know that diabetes is the prime risk...

Diabetes and Heart Disease

Hypertension or high blood pressure can lead to heart disease.

Atherosclerosis and Diabetes

Atherosclerosis can get worse over time, but it's also preventable...
Diabetic Kidney Care


Diabetic Kidney Care

Diabetic kidney disease (diabetic nephropathy) is a consequence of diabetes that affects certain individuals. The kidney filters, known as glomeruli, are destroyed in this disease. As a result, the kidneys ‘leak’ abnormally large quantities of protein from the blood into the urine. Albumin is the primary protein that escapes from injured kidneys.

Type-1 Hero Award



Dr. V Mohan, founded the Victory over Diabetes Awards in 2020. The Victory over Diabetes Awards was started to see if there are any preventive variables that can help persons with diabetes avoid developing serious problems such retinopathy, nephropathy, and cardiovascular disease.

Call For a Consultation

Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Speciality Centre has emerged as one of India’s leading diabetes hospitals, with over 30 years of effective diabetic care service and research. Dr Mohan’s Speciality has grown over the years to include Diabetes Centers in Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Kerala, Kolkata, and many other cities throughout the nation.


Common Questions

Type 1 diabetes may cause long-term pancreatic damage?

Type 1 diabetes destroys the insulin-producing beta cells made in the pancreas, but it does not affect the pancreas itself. T1D can affect many organs in the body, particularly when blood sugar levels are not well-managed over time. Complications may develop slowly over time, and don’t appear until many years into the disease.

Diabetes patients are prone to infections? Is this true or false?

Diabetes patients are prone to infections, including bacterial and fungal infections, particularly of the skin. Styes, boils, folliculitis (infection of hair follicles), and nail infections are all examples of bacterial infections. Candida is responsible for a variety of fungal diseases in T1D patients, including jock itch, athlete’s foot, ringworm, and vaginal yeast infection. To minimise the risks of infection, good skin care and cleanliness are essential if you have T1D.

Do I need to monitor my blood sugar even when I’m feeling fine?

Feeling fine is no assurance that your blood sugar levels are within the normal range. Keep in mind that symptoms may not show immediately. Without frequent blood sugar monitoring, severe damage to your eyes, kidneys, feet, and even your brain may occur without your knowledge. Consult your doctor if your blood sugar levels are out of whack.

I have type 1 diabetes. Are my children at risk?

Yes, although the risk is minimal. Despite the fact that type 1 diabetes is a hereditary illness, only approximately 3% to 6% of offspring of type 1 diabetics will acquire diabetes. The risk varies with age, gender, and other variables related to the diabetic parent. You may learn more about these chances by subjecting your children to genetic testing.

Will exercise help control my diabetes?

In general, exercise, together with insulin and a balanced diet, may help with the treatment of type 1 diabetes. Always contact your doctor about exercise recommendations to exercise safely and minimise hazards.

Does being overweight cause Type 1 diabetes?

Type 1 diabetes has nothing to do with gaining weight. Type 2 diabetes is linked to weight gain and inactivity, although genetic also play a role.

Is diabetes rare in children?

Unfortunately, no. Type 1 diabetes is the most prevalent chronic, life-threatening disease among children in developed countries. Type 1 diabetes affects about 1.25 million children and adults.

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