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Let’s Keep Our Gut ‘Garden’ Healthy
July 8, 2021

Every one of us had experienced a gut related issues at some part of our life and probably still face it. However most of us are unaware of the reasons behind it and commit the same mistakes again and again.

The term ‘gut’ comprises of the stomach, small and large intestines, whatever we eat and drink is digested in the gut and converted in to the nutrient required by our body. This conversion of food into its simpler nutrients are done by various enzymes, acids, hormones and most importantly the microbiome (bacteria) present in our gut.

Did you know, there are about 300-500 different species of bacteria present in one’s gut? You might be thinking when you hear the word ‘bacteria’ that all bacteria are harmful. No. There are also beneficial bacteria that are colonised in the lining of the gut and intestines and they play an important role in the digestion.


  1. Constipation
  2. Bloating
  3. Regurgitation or acid reflex
  4. Acidity
  5. Food intolerance
  6. Skin irritation or allergies
  7. Sleep disturbances, anxiety and depression
  8. Fatigue 
  9. Diarrhea

Diabetes and bad Breathe


  1. Over eating of refined foods and junk foods
  2. Increased intake of sweets and sugars
  3. Over consumption of alternative sweeteners
  4. Decreased intake of fruits and vegetables
  5. Intake of Antibiotics and other pills.
  6. Lack of physical activity
  7. Dehydration
  8. Stress

Diabetes and Diet


  1. Increase Your Fibre Intake: Include plenty of vegetables and fruits in your diet. Fibre is of two types: soluble and insoluble fibre. Fibre improves the growth of the beneficial bacteria.
  2. Yogurt and Curd: Including homemade curds and yoghurts will help to improve the gut microbes. In case of any gastric trouble or bloating, including curd atleast 15 minutes prior to the meals can improve the digestion. You can also take curd in the form of buttermilk. Note: Packed curd and lassi do not have any beneficial bacteria in them.
  3. Fermented Breakfast: Fermented foods like Idlis, Dosa,Aappam and Dhokla are rich in beneficial bacteria. Note: Ready to eat foods do not include any good bacteria and thus traditional batters made at home are the best.
  4. Spices: Including spices like cumin, asafoetida, garlic, ginger etc. helps in reducing flatulence and other gastric issues as they have antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial andeven anticancer effects. However over consumption of these spices are also not recommended.
  5. Collagen Rich Foods like fish, chicken, egg white, mushroom, pulses and lentils, green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, nuts and oil seeds help in  improving and thickening of gut lining and thus prevents guts leaking, which occurs when we have harmful bacteria in the gut.
  6. Other Fermented Foods: Pickles that are made by drying in sunlight or fermenting in the traditional way also helps in improving the gut health if taken in the moderate amount (Only if you are not hypertensive and do not have any other metabolic disorders). Indian foods like Shikhanji and Kaanji are also foods rich in beneficial bacteria.
  7. Reduce Stress: Doing yoga and meditation and regular exercises helps to reduce the stress. Stress leads to increased acid production and thus leading to the destruction of the beneficial bacteria.
  8. Sleep: Regular sleep for about 8 hours is important in improving the gut health.
  9. Hydrate Yourself: Drinking plenty of water, at least 2-3 litres helps to improve gut health.
  10. Use of Probiotic pills (if recommended by the doctor) can help to improve gut health. They also help to prevent constipation in the elderly.


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