The COVID-19 pandemic is on a rampage. Since the beginning of the pandemic, it was found that people with diabetes and obesity have been affected more severely than those without. Diabetes has been labeled as the co-morbidity that worsens the outcome of the SARS COV2 infection. The reason for this is that diabetes reduces one’s immunity and thus makes one more susceptible to more severe COVID-19.  At a large scale level, the governments and the public health authorities have been trying to contain the spread by imposing lockdowns and increasing bed capacity, etc. As responsible citizens, all of us have been wearing masks, sanitizing and distancing ourselves socially to help curtail the spread of the virus. What more can a patient with diabetes do, other than these regular precautions?

Let us look at a few simple things that people with diabetes  can do to make sure they  sail across this pandemic unscathed

  1. Keeping one’s immunity up despite diabetes to make sure that the body has all the resources to fight the virus. Keeping blood sugar under control is the only means by which a patient with diabetes can sail through this pandemic unscathed – people with diabetes are more prone to infections especially this novel coronavirus. What can one do about it? Test, identify the risk and treatment. Keep your Hba1c under 7 %. Blood glucose needs to be checked more frequently than before to ascertain glycemic control.
  2. Patients with diabetes mellitus should be aware that COVID-19 can increase blood levels of glucose and, as such, they should follow the doctor’s advice more strictly. Patients should be extra vigilant regarding their adherence to prescribed medications
  3. Steroids raise blood sugars and along with it the complications of COVID19. Therefore you have to make sure that people administered steroids during treatment check their sugar levels and keep them under control. Huge fluctuations in sugar levels are seen after Covid infection/ treatment. You may use continuous glucose monitoring or CGM to monitor the sugar fluctuation and thereby alter your medicines and food accordingly to get complete control of blood sugar.
  4. Vaccines are of great help. The Covid vaccine helps to prevent coronavirus infection. The pneumococcal vaccine helps to prevent bacterial pneumonia and the influenza vaccine helps to prevent seasonal flu-like influenza.
  5. Take vitamin and mineral supplements only after checking for deficiency and after your doctor’s advice. Hyper avitaminosis is a condition caused due to consumption of more vitamins than can be used by the body. So please do not take vitamins or medicines without a prescription.
  6. Steaming – It is better to avoid this, especially with additives. While it may help in clearing sinusitis, it also damages the delicate linings of the nose and throat and may predispose to serious infections like mucormycosis.
  7. Keeping your diet and exercise regimen as prescribed by your doctor. The primary cause of any lifestyle disease like diabetes, blood sugar or hypercholesterolemia is improper diet and exercise regimen. If this were adhered to, the lifestyle diseases can be kept under control along with medication.
  8. Keep yourself stress-free by doing Pranayama or any other type of breathing exercises, meditation or by a hobby.


Mohan V. COVID-19 and Diabetes-A View From India. J Diabetes Sci Technol. 2020 Jul;14(4):760-761. DOI: 10.1177/1932296820928108. Epub 2020 May 12. PMID: 32397895; PMCID: PMC7673192.

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