Low fat milk – 1 litre
Limejuice – 1 tsp
Corn flour – 2 tsp
Sugar substitute – 4 sachets
Saffron – a few [optional]
Cardamom powder – a pinch
Pista & badam – 1 tsp chopped


  1. Boil the milk in heavy pan stirring constantly until it is reduced to half.
  2. Dissolve the saffron separately in a little milk & add this to the boiling milk.
  3. Mix the limejuice in a little water & add this slowly to the boiling milk till it starts curdling.
  4. [need not be curdled totally]
  5. Mix the corn flour a little water & add to the boiling milk, stirring constantly.
  6. Boil till the milk mixture thickens.
  7. Mix the cardamom powder & sugar substitute allow to cool. 8. Shape with 7or 8 pedas & decorate with pista & saffron.